MSU Initiatives

Michigan Network for Environmental Health & Technologoy (MiNet)
The Michigan Network for Environmental Health & Technology (MiNet) is a statewide network of laboratories that use advanced PCR-based methods to assess recreational water quality, identify sources of fecal contamination in surface water, and monitor SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater.

Institute of Water Research
The IWR is one of 54 federally designated water institutes created under the Water Resources Research Act of 1964, and is supported by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The IWR also receives ongoing support from MSU AgBioResearch and MSU Extension, and is a member of the National Institutes for Water Resources.

Center for PFAS Research
The MSU Center for PFAS Research works to quantify and communicate PFAS risks and mitigate the impacts on human health, agriculture and natural resources.

MSU Enviroweather
To develop and deliver a sustainable weather-based information system that helps users make pest, plant production, and natural resource management decisions in Michigan.

Quantitative Fisheries Center
The Quantitative Fisheries Center aims to enhance fishery management by improving quantitative methods for stock assessment and decision-making. It also focuses on understanding fish community and population dynamics.

Center for Intelligence Water Resources Engineering
The Center for Intelligent Water Resources Engineering uses advanced technologies to tackle 21st-century water challenges, balancing conservation with usage by considering both human and natural water resources.
MSU Extension

Lakes, Streams & Waterbeds
MSU Extension teams with local, state, regional and federal agencies and stakeholder organizations to protect and promote the sustainable use of the state’s distinctive aquatic resources.

Centers for Lakes and Streams
The mission of the MSU Extension Center for Lakes and Streams is to advance the conservation and stewardship of Michigan’s inland lakes and streams through engagement, education, and research.

Natural Resources
Our natural resources programs improve public understanding, help landowners and communities use those assets for sustainable long-term social and economic development and conserve natural resources for future generations.
Our Additional Partners

Sea Grant
Michigan Sea Grant is committed to diverse and inclusive engagement to facilitate research, education, and outreach through partnerships with people and organizations to foster healthy Great Lakes coastal ecosystems, communities, and economies.
They envision healthy, sustainable, and accessible Great Lakes ecosystems with equitable, inclusive, just, and diverse communities that depend upon them.

Great Lakes Echo
Great Lakes Echo is produced by the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism at Michigan State University. Original content is produced by students, faculty, professional journalists and Capital News Service.
Great Lakes Echo fosters and serves a news community defined by proximity to and interest in the environment of the Great Lakes watershed. They use traditional reporting methods and push the frontiers of journalism while remaining rooted in the values of accuracy and fairness and while harnessing the knowledge, interests, skills and energy of that community.
MSU Agricultural Water Management Programs

MSU Agricultural Water Management
This site contains resources, articles and experts relevant to a wide range of water issues in agriculture. Find help and information on issues from irrigation maintenance to tile drain installation.

MSUE Irrigation
Irrigation plays a big part in agriculture. Learn all the ins and outs of agricultural irrigation, and find resources to meet your needs.

MSU Agriculture Irrigation Program (Tools & Resources)
Irrigation plays a big part in agriculture. Learn all the ins and outs of agricultural irrigation, and find resources to meet your needs.

MSU Agricultural Drainage Program
Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering Drainage program provides education and practical solutions to address agricultural water management issues.